WSTC Commission Vice Chair visits bridge projects

Commissioner James (Jim) Restucci (Vice-Chair) recently visited two critical bridge projects on State Route 241. The two bridges connect Mabton and Sunnyside over the Yakima River and a nearby slough. Once completed, the structures will be seismically compliant and weight restrictions on the bridges will be removed. Learn more.

WSTC to meet in Ocean Shores in November

OLYMPIA – Community leaders and local officials from the Ocean Shores and Grays Harbor area will meet virtually with the Washington State Transportation Commission next week to discuss transportation issues and challenges being faced in the region. The meeting will take place on Tuesday, Nov. 16, from 1 to 5 … Continue reading

WSTC to discuss the future of logistics and next steps
for autonomous vehicles

OLYMPIA – Emerging technologies that reduce carbon, reduce the amount of time to get goodsto consumers and move agricultural goods to market more efficiently will be explored at theWashington State Transportation Commission’s October meeting. Commissioners also willdiscuss their next round of recommendations to the state Legislature about steps needed toprepare … Continue reading

Transportation Commission to hold community meeting focusing on Spokane area transportation efforts – Virtual Meeting Sept. 21 & 22

OLYMPIA – Community leaders and local officials from the Spokane regional area will meet virtually
with the Washington State Transportation Commission next week to share their perspectives on
transportation issues, challenges, and needs. Continue reading

Exploring a better way to fund Washington’s transportation

In the Aug. 22 editorial “Construction ahead: WSDOT’s budget is wearing thin,” WSDOT shared concerns about stretched budgets for state road and bridge funding. As a local elected official, with almost 20 years of experience, I have seen firsthand, “Band-Aid” approaches to highway maintenance in the Yakima Valley. More importantly, I have witnessed the difficult choices cities and towns must make when it comes to funding their transportation systems.

Which poses the question: Is there a better solution that will address our strained transportation budgets? Continue reading

WSTC to hold hearing on toll rate increases Aug. 24

OLYMPIA – Proposed toll rate increases for the State Route 99 tunnel, SR 520 bridge, and Tacoma Narrows Bridge are the subject of a public hearing next week. If approved, the new toll rates would go into effect on Oct.1, 2021, except for the SR 520 bridge, which would take effect on July 1, 2023. Continue reading

Help the state name the next ferry

OLYMPIA – Construction of a new, hybrid electric Olympic Class ferry is expected to start in 2022. The new 144-car vessel will need a name and the Washington State Transportation Commission has initiated its process to do so by seeking naming proposals from the public. But it takes a little … Continue reading

The Washington Autonomous Vehicle Edition (WAVE – Volume 1, Issue 2)

Welcome to the second edition of the Washington Autonmous Vehicle Edition (WAVE)! Highlights from this edition include: A National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) policy update regarding autonomous vehicle (AV) crash reporting, A recap of the May 25, 2021 AV Workgroup Executive Committee meeting Details on the TRB’s Automated Road … Continue reading

WSTC to select toll rate proposals & kick-off the process to name the next ferry

OLYMPIA –Travelers who use Washington’s tolled highways will learn next week what the new proposed toll rates will be for those facilities. The Washington State Transportation Commission will meet virtually to select its toll rate increase proposals for the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, the State Route 99 tunnel, and the State … Continue reading

WSTC to release ferry fare change proposal, June 15 (Pending toll increase options also to be discussed)

OLYMPIA –The Washington State Transportation Commission will hold a work session next week to select its ferry fare increase proposal and discuss specific toll rate increases for the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, the State Route 99 tunnel, and the State Route 520 floating bridge. The special meeting will take place from … Continue reading