Below is a list of all articles (sorted in chronological order) published on this site.
- WSTC Commission Vice Chair visits bridge projects
- WSTC to meet in Ocean Shores in November
- WSTC to discuss the future of logistics and next stepsfor autonomous vehicles
- Transportation Commission to hold community meeting focusing on Spokane area transportation efforts – Virtual Meeting Sept. 21 & 22
- Exploring a better way to fund Washington's transportation
- WSTC to hold hearing on toll rate increases Aug. 24
- Help the state name the next ferry
- The Washington Autonomous Vehicle Edition (WAVE – Volume 1, Issue 2)
- WSTC to select toll rate proposals & kick-off the process to name the next ferry
- Wenatchee Valley transportation needs focus of State Transportation Commission meeting, June 15 & 16
- WSTC to release ferry fare change proposal, June 15 (Pending toll increase options also to be discussed)
- Transportation Commission to discuss road usage charging and ferry fare changes
- WSTC preparing for toll rate increases and holds local meeting in Lakewood next week
- WSTC to discuss the nexus of clean fuels and transportation
- WSTC to discuss the future of electric vehicles and ferries, and high-speed rail in Washington
- Legislative priorities and tolling to highlight Transportation Commission meeting Jan. 19-20
- Governor fills open seat on State Transportation Commission
- Sunnyside councilman Jim Restucci withdraws from the county commmission race
- Sunnyside city councilman announces bid for Yakima County Commission, District #3
- Local mayors tapped to represent interests of cities
- People For People Celebrates 50 Years
- Downtown Sunnyside facelift nearly done; new sidewalks, trees, lights
- New American Legion office in Sunnyside will be used to help process vets’ service claims
- Big Y, ABC 40 Backyard Barbeque Heads to Amherst
- Say Hello to Nox
- Good Bye to Byte
- Merry Christmas from the Restucci Family
- Farewell to Tigger
- A New Face at the Casa di Restucci
- New addition to the Restucci household
- Lost 12-year old white/orange tabby
- Goodbye to Pix
- New Blogging Platform
- A Different Christmas Poem
- Steve Jobs dies at 56
- Who's Your Daddy
- Microsoft History Reimagined: The Declaration of Independence
- Windows 8 On The Horizon
- Wounded Soldier to receive Medal of Honor for action in Afghanistan
- We few, we happy few, we band of brothers…Rest In Peace Major Dick Winters, USA Ret.
- Happy New Year!
- Restucci Family (West Coast) Christmas Greetings 2010
- Make iPhone 4 Ringtone
- Phillips Internal Wireless 802.11 a/b/g Drivers for Microsoft Windows XP
- Bugged Phone Tripped Up Apple Leaker
- Smishing and Vishing: Scammers are targeting your cell phone
- Nine years ago today…
- Happy Thanksgiving 2010!
- Poo-Poo on Poo – Cyberattack arrest highlights risk
- First Microsoft Store in state opens with glitter, glitz
- Obama Wants Internet Security Czar
- G-20 refuses to back US push on China’s currency
- Inventor of the World’s First Laptop Honoured With Design Award | Cool Stuff | Channel 9
- Veterans Day
- Some scientific humor
- There is a new browser in town!
- Tango Mike Mike – Roy P. Benavidez
- Apple: You Sue Us? We'll Sue You!
- Apple Patenting Method to Harden Stainless Steel
- Gemalto Sues Google, HTC, Samsung Over Java Card Technology – Bloomberg
- Last draftee who served in Vietnam retires
- The Empire Strikes Back…1950’s Style
- You Never Knew Me
- Remembering Dennis Hopper
- Copier Machine Security
- Remembering The Duke
- Remembering Ulysses S. Grant
- CAPTCHA Implemented
- Community Server Media Gallery Upload
- Email from Director Mueller
- Remembering Clarence Darrow
- Filthy 13 Member Dies
- Try Neat
- Remembering Thomas Jefferson
- We are living in exponential times
- The Gipper Speaks Out on Socialized Medicine
- The End of Liberty? I think Not!
- Army Ranger killed in action
- Washington State Secedes from the Union
- Politics has no place in Gang Legislation
- Entrepreneurs Can Change the World
- Remember the Alamo!
- Remembering the Father of our Country
- Remembering Alexander Haig…a warrior and a statesman
- Agriculture
- Office of the DNI responds to
- Happy Birthday to Hawkeye Pierce
- Remembering the Iran Hostage Crisis
- Social Networking
- Remembering the 18th Amendment (Prohibition)
- Local News | Cyberbullying leads to suspension of 28 middle-schoolers at McClure | Seattle Times Newspaper
- Remembering Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Remembering Benedict Arnold
- France and Italy
- Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas et al.
- Dog’n Christmas
- Dylan – Happy 17th Birthday
- Burial at Sea
- Remembering George Mason IV
- Treating Terrorism as a Crime…Nine years later!
- National Guard Special Forces Soldier Killed in Action
- Great Skit from SNL
- Happy Mauerfall!
- Born Again American!
- Happy Magic Day!
- Seven USASOC Soldiers died Oct. 26, 2009 in western Afghanistan.
- Remembering John Adams
- ‘LO’ Message Sent 40 Years Ago Today
- Happy Birthday to William “Bill” Henry Gates III
- Me and my boys!
- Remembering John Crichton
- The U.S. Navy Ceremonial Guard Silent Drill Team
- Remembering Sir Thomas Browne
- Remembering Noah Webster
- Remembering E. E. Cummings, or e e cummings, whichever you prefer
- Thanksgiving
- Remembering the Mahatma
- The Gutenberg Bible
- Remembering William Safire
- Students Beware: Longer School On The Horizon
- Heroes
- The Last Day of Summer
- Special Forces Group Soldiers Killed in IED Strike
- The Black Patch – Debunked
- Open Letter of Apology for Being Absent
- Remembering Senator Edward M. Kennedy
- Pizza Delivery in 2010
- Remembering John Hughes
- Happy Birthday to Dustin Hoffman
- Forums Now Open!
- Traffic, Traffic Lights, Waiting in Traffic, et. al.
- Senator Boxer to General ‘Call Me Senator’
- Happy SysAdmin’s Day!
- PC Woes
- Remembering Jackie O’
- Microsoft Announces the release of Windows 7
- Bipartisan Majority of the U.S. Senate Votes in Favor of National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity
- In Memoriam: CPL Benjamin Kopp, 3/75IN (RGR)
- That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
- …and he voted for George McGovern for president…
- “And that’s the way it was…” – Remembering Walter Cronkite
- Husband reaches top NCO rank as wife begins Army officer career
- Happy Bastille Day!
- Remembering Gerald R. Ford
- Happy Birthday to Bill Cosby
- Remembering John Quincy Adams
- Happy Fourth of July!
- Independence, tyranny, tyrants, et al.
- Publishing Disclaimer
- Remembering Helen Keller
- Microsoft releases Windows 7 Pricing
- Happy Father’s Day!
- Remembering Robin Hood, Captain Blood, et al.
- Duty, Honor, Country…
- The Fountain of Youth in a Pill? – You decide…
- Three birthdays to remember…
- Veteran a part of ‘Band of Brothers' –
- Remembering Ernesto “Che” Guevara
- Flag Day – A partial history…
- Remembering Miranda
- DeLeesa is Home!
- Remembering Anne Frank
- Remembering Nikolaus Otto
- One last tour of Normandy
- Remembering D-Day
- Happy Birthday to Nathan Hale
- Remembering the Gilded Age
- TechNet Flash Feed : Windows 7 release date announced
- Remembering Ed Freeman
- Remembering Mel Blanc
- Aspirin Mailings
- Kudos to Obama for Appointing a Cybersecurity Czar
- New CIO joins the Office of the Director of National Intelligence
- Happy Birthday to Henry Kissinger
- Memorial Day Wishes
- Special Forces Command host Memorial Day Ceremony
- Remembering Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Happy Birthday to Honore de Balzac
- Happy Birthday to Bertrand Russell
- Happy Birthday to NYSE
- Farewell Ranger Ryan Casey McGhee
- The Witch Hunt Has Begun…
- One Word Brings Soldier Back to Life!
- Remembering President Harry S. Truman
- Happy Birthday to Sigmund Freud
- Obama Administration fixed to damage U.S. – Israeli relations
- Alex's Birthday – A Video
- Happy Birthday to Oliver Cromwell
- Missing Special Forces Soldier awarded the DSC 42 years after last seen in Vietnam
- Stormwater Funding Bill – We need your help!
- Specialist Jeremy R. Gullett Memorial Bridge
- You can’t have it both ways Madam Speaker!
- Laynee has a new kidney!
- Happy Birthday to The Bard
- Sunnyside High School Orchestra Presents Boots and Bows/Spurs and Strings
- Testing Oomph!
- New Blog Theme
- Service Itself is our Honor
- U.S. fails to use best RADAR for N. Korea missile launch
- Happy Birthday to Leonardo da Vinci
- Happy Birthday to Thomas Jefferson
- “The greatest mistake I made was not to die in office”
- Happy Birthday to the Special Forces
- Happy Birthday RFCs – The RFC Celebrates 40th Anniversary
- Z-Machine
- Stormwater Assessment in Sunnyside
- Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
- Congratulations to the crew of STS-119
- Mr. (and Mrs.) Restucci go to Washington (Part Two – The Food)
- ISOC mourns death of Internet Pioneer
- What comes around, goes around!
- Dear IRS…
- Keystone Cops At It Again!
- The Alex P. Keaton of 2009
- The Stranger
- You know you are getting old when your kids need cell phones…
- Fred Astaire & Gene Kelly – Unbelievable!
- When Grandma Goes to Court
- Another Clinton Staffer Joins the Obama Team
- DNI Dennis C. Blair Outlines Global Threats to the U.S.
- Happy Birthday Mr. Lincoln!
- House Kills Digital TV Delay, Still set for Feb. 17
- I am Republican
- Want to know where your bail-out money went?
- 500 Million Jobs?!
- Mayor pro tem resigns
- China irks US with computer security review rules – Technology | Tri-City Herald : Mid-Columbia news
- December 7th, 1941 – A date which will live in infamy…
- Pay No Tax For Two Months?
- Something to be thankful for, in other words…Happy Thanksgiving
- Nero 9, a fiddle in Stradivarius clothing
- A Few Words About Veteran's Day…
- So much for change
- Best wishes to President-elect Barack Obama
- November 4th is Here!
- It's OK To Skip Vista
- A 1969 perspective on computers in the future
- AC/DC Black Ice, it's a father and son thing
- A video of my nephew, Zachary Francis Restucci
- The Final Debate
- Welcome to the World Zachary Francis Restucci!
- 2nd Presidential Debate
- Security vs. species preservation
- Mr. (and Mrs.) Restucci go to Washington (Part One – The Willard Hotel)
- Former DNC Chair Don Fowler, makes light of Gustav hiting New Orleans.
- Long-lost letter finally finds it way home
- Cell Phones a Poppin'
- Codename: Milan (Multi-Touch Platform Technologies)
- If I Die Before You Wake
- A Kidney for Laynee
- The Fourth of July, not just another holiday
- Net Neutrality
- Saint Crispians Day
- On the scene: Microsoft's farewell to Gates
- Biggest Expansion to Internet in Forty Years Approved for Implementation
- House committee approves new funding for Black Rock study
- Association of Washington Cities – Annual Conference
- The Truth about Energy Independence
- Drill here. Drill now.
- Yakima County EMS Trauma Care Council Appointment
- Provider in the middle Attacks (PITMA) and the latest from the DNS world.
- If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck…unless it's a PITMA.
- King of Donkey Kong?
- Tending to the American Melting Pot
- Organizations
- Before you email Jim…
- Times, People and Places, et al.
- Youtube is my life
- Lockheed's C-141 ‘The Hanoi Taxi'
- Human Statue of Liberty
- Don't forget to say thank you!
- Currahee!
- Gallery: 10 most annoying programs on the Internet | TechRepublic Photo Gallery
- Debian SSH Vulnerability
- Apologies to the Forum Regulars
- Clinton and her idea of a joke!
- Dominic A. Petrello, 1974-2008
- Problems with opening SharePoint alerts in Outlook 2007
- Adobe Acrobat Reader 9 Pre-Release
- North American Union & VCHIP Truth
- Microsoft Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) for Vista
- Vice Chair Appointment to the YVCOG
- Sunnyside looking for new City Manager
- Gang bill adopted by lawmakers
- An attempt to cure the Super Bowl hangover
- The Day the Music Died
- Why Black Rock?
- Breaking Boundaries and Breaking the Gang Cycle
- Fred Thompson Calls It Quits
- Windows Live Writer
- Social Security Benefits, Congress, Who Pays, et al.
- NLC ITC Appointment
- Sunnyside Mayor Sent Off In Style
- Editorial: Strong Mayor Form of Government
- Maximilian (Max) 1999 – 2006
- Opinion Paper: Burns-Lemos Annexation, Appearance of Fairness, et al.
- Editorial: Little Council
- Editorial: Privatization
- Sunnyside City Council – Rules Amendment