Email from Director Mueller


I received an email from the FBI Director today, I thought it might be fun to publish it to my blog.

I am publishing the Plain Text version of the email so you can see how clever these guys think they are, I will add my comments inline with parenthesis and bolded text:

Federal Bureau of Investigation<> <>

(Note the image links, they point directly back to the FBI’s website)

Anti-Terrorist and Monitoring Crimes Division.

(No such division of the FBI exists – but it looks official, to a three year old 🙂 )

FBI headquaters In Washington, D.C.
J. Edgar. Hoover Building,
935 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington D.C 20535-0001
Telephone Number: (202)-202-0790


This is to Officially inform you that we have thoroughly Investigated your transaction code#: {EA2948-910} with the help of our Intelligence Monitoring Network System ”IMNS” & International Monitory Funds Unit ”IMF” that you’ve been having illegal Transactions with the Nigeria Government. It has come to our notice and during our Investigation, we found that you have been communicating/dealing with Imposters claiming to be a staff of an great organization and this is the reason why you have not received your DUE Contract/Inheritance/Compensation funds, and also because you have not fulfilled the British Inland Revenue Service Clearance Obligation given to you in respect of your Contract/Inheritance/Compensation funds Payment.

(Let’s see now, they’ve noticed through their IMNS (really?) that I have “been having” illegal Transactions with the Nigera (shouldn’t it be Nigerian?) Government.  And that I am dealing with Imposters.  Wow, I had no idea!)

You are now qualified to received and confirm your payment with the Bank of America immediately. I wish to inform you of your official approved fund amount you are to receive is Nine Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars {US$9.5m}.

Reference to large scam going on over the internet, most beneficiaries finds it difficult to believe, and this is the only fastest means of updating/informing you. Please understand that we cannot avoid internet or Computers because of scam, instead we’ll make our instruction more signify & confidential. Please verify your account number & your available funds from your telephone or mobile phone, calling the ‘Bank of America’: +1 206 453 0445 and then follow the instruction which will ask you for the below information:

(It’s good to know that they feel they can communicate directly with me – don’t you agree?)

Bank of America Tel #: 1 206 453 0445
Your Security Pass Code, Press: 1945
Your A/C #, Press: **** – **** – 8884
Your Pin #, Press: 3588
For Your Transfer, Press 1

Your fund is now programmed on the telephone service of the bank of America for Security Reasons. As soon as you call the number, you can transfer your fund to any of your designated/nominated bank account. You are advice to get back to this office after you had contacted the International Monitory Funds Unit ”IMF”; for the British Clearance immediately you acknowledged this mail, so you’ll be given your new account number to Complete the Transfer of the Fund yourself. The account number was changed by the IMF for security reasons/purposes and lack of British Clearance.

(So the IMF is using for their mail service, wow, I’ll bet Microsoft feels honored!)

Since we Federal Bureau of Investigation ”FBI” is involved in this transaction, you must be 100% rest assured for Risk Free as it’s our legal rights to protect and guard our Citizens from been scammed again.

To ensure that you have been AUTHORIZED, kindly find below an Authorized Signature and also our Federal Bureau of Investigation NSB (National Security Branch) Seal to accurately guarantee your safety towards completing this transaction.

Thanks and hope to read from you soon.

FBI Director

Robert Mueller III.

Note: Do disregard any email you get from any imposter or offices claiming to be in possession of your funds from one office or another or from one Country to another, as you have been advised to be in contact with only this Organization/Office and henceforth forward all further mails/correspondence you get from anybody or imposter to this office so we could act upon and commence investigation immediately.

NSB Seal<> &n bsp; &nb sp; &nbs p; ;

&nb sp; &nbs p; ; & nbsp; &n bsp; &nb sp; &nbs p; <>

&n bsp; &nb sp; &nbs p; ; & nbsp; Authorized Signature

(So here I am warned to look out for any imposter emails, and further mails/correspondence I might get from “anybody” – and lastly, we have an official FBI seal, but strange that Director Mueller would be using site for an image of his signature.)

Ok, I am done pulling this apart there were way too many grammatical errors to address; however, I am sure my sister Jeanine will have a field day.

Bottom line, be warned, just because the images look real, and they come from the FBI’s website, doesn’t mean it’s a official.

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About jim®

James A. Restucci is the author of this blog. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Internal License.

2 Responses to Email from Director Mueller

  1. Libby says:

    Too funny! I can’t help but feel sorry though for those poor people who speak English as a second language and haven’t a clue as to how our FBI and our legal system works…They are the targets for this stuff and they are falling for it right and left.

  2. EagleWatch says:


    Director Mueller signs his name:

    Robert S Mueller III,
    Federal Bureau of Investigation

    … but as you say, there are so many errors in the form and style of this missive. At least they’ve stopped trying to get us to “save” the Nigerian Prince’s millions by allowing him to put in our bank account (requiring our account’s EFT numbers, of course).

    And yes, FBI wouldn’t eMail this notice to anyone … you would find out about this on the other side of a knock on the door.