Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Fairfax, Va. – Today, by a margin of 58-39, a bipartisan majority of the U.S. Senate voted in favor of an amendment offered by Senator John Thune to provide interstate recognition of right-to-carry permits. The amendment to S.1390, the National Defense Authorization Act, would acknowledge that the right to self-defense extends across state lines. Under this provision, individuals with carry permits from their home state, or who are otherwise allowed to carry a firearm in their home state, could carry in any other state that issues permits.
“Today’s strong majority vote in the U.S. Senate was an important step forward in the National Rifle Association’s decades long effort to make right-to-carry and national reciprocity the law of the land,” said NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre.
Expanding right-to-carry enhances public safety, as criminals are deterred from attempting crimes when they know or suspect that their prospective victims are armed. A Department of Justice study found that 40 percent of felons had not committed crimes because they feared the prospective victims were armed. The Thune-Vitter amendment recognized that competent, responsible, law-abiding Americans still deserve our trust and confidence when they cross state lines.
Passing interstate right-to-carry legislation would not only reduce crime by deterring criminals, but — most important of all — would protect the right of honest Americans to protect themselves if deterrence fails.
“While we are disappointed that the 60 vote procedural hurdle was not met, the vote shows that a bipartisan majority agrees with the NRA,” said NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox. “We would like to thank Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) and Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.), along with all senators who voted in favor of this amendment on both sides of the aisle. The efforts of these senators were not in vain, as the NRA will continue to work tirelessly to ensure this important legislation finds the right avenue to come before Congress once again.”
I agree Jason, I too hope it comes back, if you want to help bring it back, talk to your Senators and of course become a member of the NRA (if you aren’t already), as their lobby was extremely helpful in getting the legislation to this stage.
It would have been better Libby, if he had known the answer to the question [:)] – Instead of wasting what some would call the “people’s time”
I am sorry that the rules of the Senate require a 60 vote majority for this bill to pass. However, there are also times I am glad other bills fail.
I support the idea of each state recognizing the license issued from another state. Sounds like a good idea, I hope it comes up for a vote again soon.
Jeez guys! How can you castigate “my man” Franken? I thought he acquitted himself admirably in the Sotomayor hearing when he asked her that very erudite question, what was the name of the Perry Mason episode in which Perry lost to the D.A. Now wasn’t that a perfect example of his scintillating wit? LOL.
How is easy. Ignorant electorate combined with people playing silly buggers with the ballots.
You said it brother! How that man could have ever gotten elected is beyond me!
*sighs* I new that had to be too good to be true. But what do you expect from any collection of people that would have Al Franken as a member.
On a side note, you were also correct in that for any bill to become a law, it must pass both houses of Congress and be signed by the President, he of course can Veto the bill; however then 2/3rds majority of both houses can override his Veto.
You are absolutely correct Libby, this legislation will never make it out of the Senate. However knowing that they only need 2 more votes is a good thing for proponents of this bill. It means they only need to convince 2 more Senators. Because of the vote, mark my words, you will see this legislation again.
I have a question about this. Although the Senate voted 58-39 to pass this legislation, I heard on FOX news radio that it needed a 60 vote super-majority to pass through the Senate. Is that right? Also, wouldn’t the bill have to pass the House and be signed by the President before it could become a law? Help me out here, someone.
Well I’ll be dipped in stuff. Of all the things I never thought would come out of this particular congress. Right on!
You know, I thought I felt a disturbance in the force…