Yakima County EMS Trauma Care Council Appointment

Dear Friends:

After 12 years of faithful service, my good friend and colleague Councilman Al Hubert from Toppenish has decided to step down from the Yakima County EMS Trauma Care Council, and he nominated me to serve as his replacement.  On  May 21, 2008 the Yakima Valley Conference of Governments General Membership appointed me to the Council (see appt letter attached.)

For those of you who are not familiar with this organization.  Under RCW 70.168, the Washington State Department of Health has been directed by the legislature to create regional councils to represent and oversee Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and Trauma Care services.  There are currently eight such councils in Washington, they in turn delagate the responsibility to smaller councils within the jurisdictions of the region, in my case Yakima County.  It is then the responsibility of that council to review and report on the successes and failures of that regions plan.

I am very excited about this opportunity, and am looking forward to working with the other members of the council and their respective jurisdictions.

My first meeting should be in July, after which I will have more information about the make-up of the council and it’s priorites.

Until then, wish me luck 🙂


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About jim®

James A. Restucci is the author of this blog. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Internal License.

One Response to Yakima County EMS Trauma Care Council Appointment

  1. jimr says:

    Here is a link from the DOH’s website on the councils and their regional plans:
