PUBLISHED ON Wednesday, June 25, 2008 AT 12:06AM
Yakima Herald-Republic
The U.S. House Appropriations Committee on Wednesday approved a 2009 spending bill that includes $500,000 to complete the Yakima River Basin water storage study, Rep. Doc Hastings announced.
The Pasco Republican said the money will be enough to finish the five-year study on expanded storage for irrigation, fisheries, municipal and industrial uses.
The study began in 2003 and has cost about $17 million in state and federal funds.
“I'm committed to seeing a thorough study completed so informed decisions can be made and we can move forward on additional storage,” the Fourth District congressman said in a news release.
Kim McCartney, a Bureau of Reclamation planner heading the study, said the study is targeted to be completed around the first of next year.
The study is focusing on the huge 1.6 million acre-foot Black Rock reservoir, 30 miles east of Yakima along State Route 24. The reservoir would cost about $6.7 billion.
Wymer reservoir, in the Yakima River Canyon north of Yakima, and pumping water upstream from the mouth of the Yakima are also being reviewed.
Author's Note: Want to learn more about the Black Rock project? Click here.