Sunnyside looking for new City Manager

Some of you may already know, but I wanted to blog this in case someone out there wants to apply for the job.  The City of Sunnyside is looking for a new City Manager.  This is the second time I have been involved in the process of appointing/hiring a new City Manager.

The Council has been working with Scott Staples from the City of Grandview and I believe we have come up with a pretty sharp profile document (see attached)

If you are interested in applying for the job you must do so before March 27, 2008.

If you need more informaiton, please visit the City of Sunnyside's website at


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About jim®

James A. Restucci is the author of this blog. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Internal License.

One Response to Sunnyside looking for new City Manager

  1. jimr says:

    I am happy to announce that as of May 27th, 2008 the Council has selected Eric Hansen as our new City Manager, you can read all about it here: